Monday, April 26, 2010

Twirly Skirt Part 2

As I was preparing to head to Iowa for a fun weekend with friends, I was reminded that sweet little "D's" birthday was the Monday after our visit. Well... what this curly Sue needed for her 4th bday was a twirly skirt. Miss D is a very girly girl! Loves shoes and all things twirly and princess-like!! Thank goodness I had plenty of extra fabric on hand for a skirt that would be similar to Miss E's. That way they could be cute matchy twirly girls together on ISU campus for VEISHEA!!
Her skirt was a little simplified. I used long strips instead of the patchwork squares! A piece of cake!!

Miss D enjoys her skirt! She was playing in the dirt with her skirt all around her. I couldn't help taking a few shots!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SPRING has sprung

Spring is finally here!! Not that I can complain about the winter we had. We had it much better than my friends and family in Iowa. I a think forward to summer I get hungry for fresh produce that I walk out into my back yard to harvest!

My wonderful hubby recognizes my need to "grow stuff" and let me dig some new beds in our yard, inside our fence and out of reach of the neighborhood deer.

Mr. G was very excited about helping me plant the "garden". He helped me choose seeds and is a master waterer. With his help, I planted lettuce (2 types), radishes, spinach, carrots, broccoli and cabbage.

After Sandy tromped through the garden making huge pawprints on top of the spinach, I put up a rope fence to keep her out.
Hopefully if my efforts prove to produce great results.. these beds will become "raised" beds next year.